Normally, it can be quite difficult to determine the temperature of running water in your bathroom or kitchen. The most common way most people do this is to hold out their hands and let the water run over them. While this is a fairly effective way to determine this, it can also be dangerous. For example, the water may be very hot, but for one reason or another you cannot see the steam. As soon as you put your hand in it, you will get hurt. The same applies if the water is very cold. This becomes even more important if you have an elderly person in the house. You most likely won't be able to easily tell the temperature of the water, and touching it can cause pretty serious burns.
Now think about it, what if there was a tool that could tell you the temperature of your running water at a glance? That would add a lot to security, right? But the most likely question you're asking yourself is, "What is this tool and how do I get my hands on it?" That tool is the Color Changing Temperature Sensor Faucet Nozzle to answer your question. Yes, exactly this tap nozzle. Read on to find out how it works!